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Discovery: Session 1, Week 2

This week learners were introduced to CORE skills. The Falcons use online programs like Lexia, Khan, and Red Ink to develop their math, English, and writing skills. With absolutely no help from any of the guides, learners used online resources and each other to navigate and work through problems they had never seen before. If this is your first time at AABC, ask your child how much they learned without a teacher :).

One of the morning launches started with our discussion for the year-long question, “Does the Past Determine the Future?” At one point in the conversation, the Falcons were asked, “who is primarily in charge of having a fun and successful year, the learners or the guides?” One of the learners shared, “it is the learners because no matter what the guides have set up, it is up to us how fun we make it or what we get out of it.” When asked who agrees, every single learner raised their hands. The learners are eager and willing to make this a great year no matter what!

Every year Acton Academies starts the year with a team-building project, LipDub. Without the help of Guides, Learners lip-sync and choreograph a music video. When learners start working on the video, it seems like an impossible task that will never come together. However, slowly but surely, everyday learners see their impossible tasks come together more and more. This week learners all witnessed how constant and consistent work will allow them to accomplish goals that initially seem unfeasible. The week ended with contracts! All week learners discussed what rules and environment they wanted to have in their studio. These discussions were fostered to show how EVERY learner can have a great time while learning as much as possible. On Friday, they finalized their contract, and one by one, they read and signed what they all agreed to. What was on these contracts? Make sure to ask your son/daughter :)

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