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Discovery: Session 2, Week 3

This week in the Discovery studio, we have been expressing our gratitude together. Studies have shown writing down what you’re grateful for can have a positive effect on your life. The learners have taken on this opportunity, and every day during Closing group, they wrote down three things they are grateful for. As the learners have shared, we want to share how thankful we are for our learners and for being here on our hero’s journey!

This week we discussed thankfulness in every morning launch; the learners debated what brings them more joy: to receive thanks or give thanks. They also wrestled with the question of the best way to show thanks to a person who helps you on your hero’s journey: as often as possible or as detailed as possible.

At the end of core skills, the learners calculate the points they’ve received from all the work they’ve done. This Thursday, an overwhelming majority earned a free Friday, which means they had more than 270 points. We just want to celebrate our learners and recognize their continuous effort and hard work.

For Acton Athens Quest this week, the learners worked very hard to finish up creating their Abacus project. Once they have accomplished this task, they will be ready to develop their yoyo or begin decorating their infographics. In Art, the learners started working on their wooden string art. The learners are getting the hang of nailing the wood. For the talent show, the learner had an opportunity to enter into a competition organized by Big-Life-Journal . They had to create a 2-minute video on kindness and who they would want to donate money to if they won $1000. The learners who took on the challenge teamed up and researched some of the organizations they would wish to contribute to, and then created their videos. For Writer’s workshop finished their first draft and got feedback from their peers.

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