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Discovery: Session 2, Week 3

Dear Parents,

This week Discovery had Core Skills, Writer Workshop, Quest, CIV, D.E.A.R., PE, Talent show, and Art. During art this week we made clay art projects. Learners had the option of doing clay magnets, clay dishes, clay figures,and a clay whale. Making clay projects was very enjoyable for most learners of Discovery. Some projects are coming out well and some are still being worked on.

For the talent show our learners continued practicing their talents. Some chose to do a skit or a dance, singing and many other talents. Our talented learners are practicing a lot and trying their best. Some of the learners are still filling out the papers for the talent show.

In the Marine Biology Quest this week learners do independent work on Monday and learners have to try to answer their deepest marine biology question. On Wednesday and Friday learners work in their homeroom squads. They have been completing research challenges and then leveling up from the krill to octopus level. Some learners have been very focused during these times and some are still stuck on krill level.

Now for WW which means writer workshop. Learners are writing short stories and using their imagination. Most learners on track are on their 3rd story and a few learners are working hard to catch up. Every week there would be a key word that has to be in your story. The key word switches every single week. For the 3rd week the key word is gorgeous.

Written by Discovery learner

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