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Discovery: Session 2, Week 4

Dear Parents,

This week Discovery had Core Skills, Writer Workshop, Quest, D.E.A.R, and Art.

In Art this week, Learners are working hard on their clay figures. A few of our learners have led different projects. One of our learners is teaching other learners to paint a sunset. Another learner led a group in a project on making clay fish magnets. Our learners are completing their figures or their other projects. Sadly some of our learners have lost their clay figures or have fallen apart. They are working very hard on it.

This week on Monday learners have Quest. As part of the Marine Biology Quest this week they had the option to work on their independent deep dive or their team quest depending on how much progress they have made. As learners complete challenges they advance through different levels. Now some learners are at the tuna level, and some are still at krill level. On Tuesday learners would finish up with what they are still working on. Personally, most of the discovery tribe was finishing up with Quest, WW, or Art.

This Wednesday there is a Thanksgiving Party. So to celebrate families of learners bring food for a feast later on and will have a half day. From 9 o’clock to 10 o’clock, our council from Discovery will lead games like a dead cow or simon says as an example. Later on,Discovery we will have activities. Then it will be feasting time at the basement of the school for our learners. Learners will enjoy food and maybe beverages. On Thursday and Friday there will be no school due to Thanksgiving.

Written by Discovery learner

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