With a blink of an eye and the first session is over! We were all surely busy having fun!! It has been a joyous beginning in knowing the learners and building the community.
We celebrated Gaya’s and Lacie’s arrival on earth - on the same day just one year apart from each other! The learners have been enjoying the Earth goes around the sun song and we had Gaya even whistling to the tune of the song for Lacie!!
We have also begun learning songs this week - one of the phonetic songs we learned is ‘ants on apple a… a… a…’ It is a little different than the version on youtube, but since we learn to read and write phonetically with the lower case alphabet, you can ask the learners for just one or two of them so as to not overwhelm them, as it will take some time for them to remember all of them! Some other songs have been repetition and movement songs.
And just like every week, we have been learning new things indoors and outdoors - sometimes they have been academic, and sometimes they have been social interactions, not forgetting the emotional feelings that happen at the beginning of the year and new friendships.
As a way of celebrating the end of our session together we had a dance party outdoors while also enjoying doing gymnastics outdoors on Friday afternoon. Here are the learners favorite part of this first session:
Making friends with Ella
Being in the Studio for all the days
Making new friends
Making friends with Ilai
Making friends with Omri
The first day at school
Thank you for entrusting your young humans under our care. It has been a wonderful first session for our year together. Take the break to enjoy this time with your learners, and we will see you on the other side of the break!
