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Sparks: Session 2, Week 7

This is the last week of the session. And what a session it was!

This week our Sparks had many exciting things. 

We focused our week on what defines a Hero. We talked about accountability- holding each other accountable. Raising standards of engagement and conquering mountains. Each Hero is facing his own mountain, and his struggles, it’s not always a walk in the park. 

We continued our week with Kindness Tuesday talking about all kinds of scenarios Sparks might be facing. Conflicts with friends at the Jungle gym, racing a friend and finding out that another learner, not in the game, decided to race also and won. The Sparks had a deep conversation, suggesting what they would do and what not.

Wednesday and Thursday were 2 very exciting days. 

On Wednesday Sparks went to Rockliegh Woods to concur a physical mountain!

Luckily for us, the weather was on our side with a blue sky and shiny sun. The Sparks enjoyed the hike, and reached the mountain top! They are true heroes!

Thursday was our exhibition and the talent show! Sparks showcased their artwork and their progress in core and played the feeling game. At the end of our exhibition, the Sparks signed their studio contract. 

The day ended with our yearly talent show. The Sparks showed their talents in dancing, lego, rings show, and gymnastics. Go Sparks!!!

We were super excited with our 2 Sparks graduating and moving to Discovery! Congratulations Jeph and Ella.

On Friday, we spent some time cleaning the studio from the exhibition. 

The Sparks counted their earned coins and stars from their hard work over the session. We are getting so close to our prize!   

Sparks celebrated Ella and Jeph one last time before they leave Sparks for Discovery.

Enjoy the long break!

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