This week, in Sparks Studio, we talked about the importance of happiness and who is responsible for our own happiness. The learners played “Telephone” and the task was to deliver the same message from one to another. It was fun and exciting to hear what the last learner had heard.
During our Wednesday launch, we discussed the word of the week: auspicious.
The learners then discussed their goals and what they have accomplished.
For the Hero’s Journey, the learners watched the clip from The Lion King where Simba takes his throne. They reflected on his journey and how he was first defeated by monsters and then overcame them. The learners were happy to share their recent victories.
On Friday, we started a new series called Fitness Friday. The learners will be tracking their growth throughout the session.
For Quest, the learners are practicing their fast math and playing different math games to prepare them for the Children’s Business Fair. On Wednesday, the learners had the challenge of selling an odd item. The learners researched their items and created commercials for them.
For Hero Visits, we had two this week. On Thursday, Shannon, an Acton Owner from El Salvador, came to the studio to share her story of opening an Acton six years ago. Then on Friday, Jackie (Audrie’s mom) came in for a second hero’s visit. Thank you, Jackie, for sharing essential tips with the learners on how to create a powerful pitch. We enjoyed your presentation.