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Help Us to Create a Brighter Future!


We are on a mission to provide an affordable, non-traditional learning option to families who lean forward into the belief that life is full of possibilities and the path less traveled can often be the most fulfilling, especially when it is the path towards one's true passion and calling.  


We are here to support young learners on their hero's journey as they build confidence in themselves through:


learning how to learn (e.g., developing critical thinking and research skills),

learning how to be (i.e., developing character skills), and

learning how to do (i.e., learning how to design, build, and market). 


We are on a mission worth supporting! 


Provide Support with a Direct Donation 


AABC is a non-profit organization and we strive very hard to keep our tuition affordable so that families from various financial backgrounds can consider us as a viable educational option. In fact, we are significantly more affordable than most private schools in New York and New Jersey.


When you provide a donation to AABC, it helps up to support learners who need financial-based scholarships and to provide our current enrollees with additional tools, resources, and enrichment opportunities (e.g., field trips, hero visits, science projects, etc.).

Thank you for your support.

It is truly put to good use.

~ The AABC Team

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