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Journey: Session 5, Week 6

Session 5 is officially behind us! And what an ending it was :)

For this week’s apprenticeship preparation, we created in-person pitches, which are meant to prepare us for meeting the person with whom we wish to get an apprenticeship. We prepared answers to questions we thought the interviewer might ask and took notes on an article about the do’s and don'ts of interviews. We were also grouped into pairs, with one person pretending to be the interviewer and the other person answering whatever questions the “interviewer” asked. 

And for this week's Quest, people worked extra hard to make their websites and pitches the best they could since our exhibition had a Shark Tank style! We had four judges, and each learner went in front of the audience to show their website and products, explaining why it differed from other businesses that sold similar things and how they got interested in making those products. Learners also focused quite a bit on compiling their Quest badge, putting each of their Quest challenges into a document. We worked both at home and school and ensured it was our very best work before getting it approved and audited before the break. 

And finally, the Children's Business Fair! Everyone has been working very hard on their products for the business fair for quite some time, and at the exhibition, we gave people who attended a glimpse of what we will be selling. And remember: the Children's Business Fair will be held on Saturday, May 18, from 10 am to 2 pm, so be sure not to miss it so you can shop to your heart's content!

That is all for this week's newsletter; I hope everyone enjoys their break!

Written by a Journey learner

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