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Journey: Session 1, Week 2

This week, the Journey learners put a lot of effort and time into their “Lip Dub” project (where they had to create a music video that has been dubbed over.)  The learners planned and executed the complicated production incredibly well, fixing errors with time to spare. Editing was a whole other story, but commitment and dedication allowed the final product to excel.

Another important event this week was Thursday’s contract discussion. During circle, the studio agreed upon a set of rules and promises that the learners would make and hold each other accountable for. 

Much like last year, hero boards were a focus during the week. Unlike last year, we wrote a hero’s essay for the poster. Surrounding the text, images, and text revolved around us and our lives. On Friday morning, the learners presented their essays to the whole studio. It was engaging, and the feedback received showed signs of participation and enjoyment. 

Lastly, learners chose and planned their “servant-leadership” projects this week. Some options included working with Sparks, being a math helper, being the studio maintenance chief, and being the timekeeper. Ask your learners what they chose and what their experience was this week! 

Overall, the second week of the 2024-25 school year was a big challenge and a great success. 

Written by a Journey learner

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