Welcome to the third week of the third session in the Journey studio!
During Travel Quest, the Falcons created a budget for their planned trip and then paused to work on a new and exciting project: Planning their field trip! They listed five places they would like to visit and explored them to explain why they thought it would be a good fit for the studio. Next week, they will vote for the best idea; we can not wait to see where they will take us!
This week during Genre, the Falcons finished writing the first draft of their myth. They followed the myth template and crafted the conflict part, the epic battle, and the resolution/transformation. The learners were very excited about their myths and were engaged in writing them.
For Civ, we focused on Socrates' Trial. We had a fascinating discussion around this question: As Socrates, speaking at the trial, if convicted and sentenced to death, would you Abandon your principles and plead for mercy due to your advanced age or accept death to prove your past criticisms about Athenian society? I invite you to ask your child to share their thoughts and continue this discussion at home.
Our morning launches were, for the most part, related to travel. One of the questions the Falcons enjoyed discussing was: Imagine you booked a romantic cabin for you and your partner. You spent hours looking through pictures and reading reviews and found the one that looked the best. You drive to the cabin four hours away from your house, and you are all excited to start a wonderful weekend together. When you enter the cabin, you realize there is no connection between the pictures you saw online and the cabin itself. Everything is rusty, the walls are stained, you can not find clean sheets, and the dishwasher does not work! You call the cabin owner, who says it is what it is. You have already paid over $1000, and they do not plan to repay you. What would you do now?
Drive back 4 hours and lose $1000
Stay and try to make the best out of it
Try to look for another cabin in the area, knowing you will lose $1000, and if you cannot find anything, drive back.
Something else
On Friday, we spent most of the day in Alpine! The Falcons had a blast playing and being outdoors despite the chilly weather 🙂
Next week, the Falcons will start planning their exhibition and enter the second half of this session. (How does time fly so fast?)