Welcome to the fifth week of the third session in the Journey studio!
At the beginning of the week, the Journey studio was 100% learner-led (since Michal was visiting Guatemala with the LP studio). The Falcons led all morning and afternoon launches, closing groups, team-building games, and wrap-ups. They helped each other and held each other accountable. It was a great learning experience, with many failures, lessons learned, and a massive victory to the studio for doing it for the first time for three whole days!
The Falcons finished their bucket lists for Quest and dove into many final planning items like insurance, safety, and more. On Thursday and Friday, they had a lot of fun with two simulation challenges: a “Lost-in-the-sea” simulation, where the Falcons had to force-rank 15 items based on their importance for survival. The second was “Wilderness Survival,” where the Falcons had to decide what to do in specific survival situations.
For genre, the Falcons critiqued each other again and revised their myth for the last time. We can't wait for them to share their creations at the exhibition next week!
For civ, the Falcons dove into the birth of the Byzantium Empire and started exploring the Middle Ages. One question we debated was: During the Middle Ages, what was the most essential role in society: King, Noble, Knight, Monk, Merchant, Minstrel, Court Official, or Bishop? Why? Defend your choice. Be sure to provide evidence, stories, and examples to make your point.
Our Thursday and Friday morning launches were about Growth Mindset. One of my favorite questions you can also discuss at home is: What is the hardest thing for you about practicing a growth mindset?
Viewing Failure as permanent VS as a chance to learn
View critical feedback as a personal attack VS as a chance to improve
Choose easier tasks with minimal effort VS choosing challenging tasks that require hard work