Greetings Discovery Families,
This week was jam packed for the Discovery Falcons! They embarked upon the journey of figuring out their studio contract and writing the tenants they will use to hold each other accountable. This process will take place over the next few weeks and the learners are eager to write and sign their contract.
The biggest challenge faced this week for many Falcons was the Lip Dub. To start, the learners voted on the song they wanted to use for the project. Eye of the Tiger won by a landslide and the process of choreographing the movements to the song began. By the middle of the week they began filming their music video and collaborating with each other. Each homeroom was responsible for choreographing a dance and movements to a specific part of the song. The Falcons can’t wait to show you their finished product!
Week 2 also brought the introduction of Core Skills! Learners began meeting with their squad leaders to set goals and start work on various academic platforms. While many returning learners settled back into the routine, they also made time to help the newest learners with logging on to their platforms and explaining how they work.
The Discovery studio began stamping their passports this week! The passports each contain a page dedicated to a different facet of studio life. Learners signed up to give presentations on these different items. Once a presentation was given, learners received a sticker/stamp on that page in their passport. So far we’ve heard presentations on studio jobs, Falcon Bucks and book proposals/reviews.
Writers Workshop kicked off this week with the first project of the year, Hero Boards! The Falcons create Hero Boards and the beginning of the year to showcase who they are and their story so far. The process starts of with brainstorming different ideas and topics they’d like to include on their Hero Board before moving onto getting it approved and starting their writing
The adventure continues next week as we kick off our first Quest!