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Discovery: Session 1, Week 4

Hurray to another week! Our studio is fully up and running, this past week we laid out our final structures and systems. During this week we were able to sit with every learner and introduce them to their badge plan. The badge plan is in the Journey Tracker this year, which makes it much easier for the learners to track their progress.

This week we had our very first town hall meeting. The learners discussed and voiced their opinions on the different rules that should be removed and added to better govern our community. The learners practiced the Socratic Discussion method, they were asked hard questions, have chosen a side and defend it. We had wonderful discussions about whether the learners should be able to check the schedule during a circle, and whether every Friday should be a pajama day or not.

Every session the learners get to go through a session-long quest. This week we started the Game-Journey Quest! The learners get to play different types of games (strategy, social, puzzles and word&numbers) with their squad. At the beginning of every quest period (three times a week for 75 minutes) we have a launch with interesting questions like “Why do most people play? Is it in order to learn a new skill, to spend time with others or to win someone else”?

In art the learners had the opportunity to create miniature rooms out of cardboard in pairs. For maker-space the learners continued building their bridges. This week the pairs got an opportunity to come up with a better plan after research on the internet and to earn 100 more popsicle-sticks and 6 more glue guns. For Writer’s workshop the learners found more details about the one hero they want to focus on. Their next step is to begin writing a first draft for their letters.

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