Exhibition Hosts! -
On Monday Discovery Elected 6 Exhibition hosts 3 from north and 3 from south. From South, the Exhibition hosts are Seva, Emmy, and Niko. The Exhibition hosts from North are Auggie, Kalina, and Alon
False Alarm! -
On Tuesday Somebody in Journey Was heating up a cookie when it started smoking and triggered a fire alarm. It got so serious that the firefighters came. But when the firefighters checked everything it turned out that there was no fire and it was safe to go back inside.
Exhibition Next Week! -
Next week on Thursday The Discovery Session 1, 2024 Exhibition is happening from 2:15 to 3:15. It will include videos, presentations and trivia and games! So don’t forget to come to the exhibition.
Writer’s Workshop Info So Far! -
In Writer’s Workshop the Learners have already done: Hero Boards, Cards, and Letters. Learners who are not done with some of the challenges will have time to make it up or can do it at home.
Quest Info So Far! -
In Quest the groups have already done The Discovery Salad, Light mazes, Dirt
examination, Celery experiment And Bean Experiment! Unlike Writer’s Workshop Most Groups are caught up and are either finished or working on the dirt examination!
Official Discovery Contract Signing! -
As a Exhibition host I am happy to announce that during one of the last parts of the exhibition the learners will have the opportunity to sign the Learner - Made Official discovery Contract! So You Should really Come!