Fashion Quest! -
This week's fashion quest continued! We even went on a field trip to MOOD a fashion designing place in Closter(we walked there). Learners worked on the sewing machine, sewed pouches and hackey sacks and designed clothing!
When it was done we walked back and wrap up the day back in school
wEirD ALpInE dAy!
This Week we spent half the day at school and half the day at Alpine after getting
there by bus. Discovery learners will work with Zack to create necklaces out of natural materials.
Collaboration Challenge! -
This week for Writer’s Workshop AABC learners were partnered with learners from Extraordinary Adventures Academy, an Acton in Texas by Google Meet and decided on the picture for the visual story we are going to write together!
Plushie Making Special! -
In Plushie making special, some people have already finished making their Plushie! to make a Plushie people put together: Felt, Fabric, Thread, And Artificial Cotton. we also used buttons for eyes. This week’s challenge was to continue making a plushie with different parts!
Talent Show! -
The other one of the 2 Specials for this session is the Talent Show. For the talent
show, most learners already have been approved by council and added finishing
touches to their acts. The talent show will be next week!