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Discovery: Session 2, Week 7

End of the session!-

This is the last issue for session 2 and a lot of things happened this session so

goodbye, see you next session.

Collaboration Challenge! -

This week and last week for Writer’s Workshop AABC learners were partnered with learners from Extraordinary Adventures Academy, an Acton in Texas. Some teams worked well together and some struggled but if you finished the story and all the challenges you earned the WW milestone.

New Jobs System in Session 3! -

Next session the job system will no longer be in use! Instead, we will be having a lot of committees such as FB, Excellence, Nature, Welcome, Art, and Studio Wellness. The old jobs will be split evenly across the committees and the members will meet once a week to discuss their progress and be paid accordingly. The jobs will also be put in the committees that make sense to be in. If you didn’t run for falcon-buck or excellence committee and get elected you

had to fill out a form to indicate which committees you wanted to be on more than the others and then get placed on a committee by a guide.

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