We opened the 4th session with a series of conversations on freedom levels in the studio and the responsibilities that come with it. Eleanor Roosevelt said, “Freedom makes a huge requirement for every human being. With freedom comes responsibility”. The learners discussed this sentence for both the outside world and in the studio. Our current events article was about a Kenyan woman who creates bricks out of plastics; This led to an exciting discussion about recycling. The learners decided to start collecting the used plastic and paper and recycle it. As part of our continuous effort to build strong connections between the Spark and Discovery learners, our learners will join DEAR time in the Sparks studio every Tuesday..
Our first art project is to create a mini-world with elements made out of clay. The learners are given clay and cardboard as a foundation and begin using their creative skills to make their masterpiece.
Civ is off to a great start this session; the learners continue to grow in engagement as they dive into Islam’s rise. One of the questions that created a lively discussion was: Muslims were mistreated by the wealthy in Mecca because they believed that money should be shared with the poor. Do you think money should be shared with the poor today? Who should decide how wealth is shared: governments or individuals?
For Music, the learners explored the new challenges for this session, including listening room (where they can listen to different music types and reflect on what they heard), Acappella, and creating a music video.
Our Quest this session is Chess! The learners will have different avenues to learn and sharpen their skills. This week they were introduced to Chesskid.com, an online platform where they can learn about the game and play online. The learners also learned about draws and notations.
Our current Writer’s Workshop is all about Fantasy! This week the learners spent their time reading fantasy books and then explored inspiration cards that will help them to create their magical stories.
