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Discovery: Session 5, Week 1

We began our morning launch on Monday watching Jullian Treasure’s Ted talk about habits you want to avoid and habits you want to adopt (Honesty, Authenticity, Integrity, Love) if you wish other people to listen to you more. We asked the learners which habit is the hardest one for them to avoid, and which one they wish to put more focus on adopting.

In this session we decided to create an even more learner-driven environment: for Art and PE, the learners can choose which project they want to work on, using a game board with various options. In addition, we have a new special: Chocolate making! the learners will work together to create their chocolate recipes, design chocolate wrappers, and create a sales pitch to sell their chocolate.

For Writer’s Workshop, the learners will be writing their memoirs. For the prewriting stage, they made Mind Maps which helped them discover which stories best show who they are to help others understand their Hero’s Journey.

For the first time ever, we will have the Children’s Business Fair at AABC!

This session’s quest is the E-ship Quest; each learner will have an opportunity to be an entrepreneur. The first island that the learners traveled to was the Motivation island. On the motivation Island, the learners take the time to ponder what they enjoy doing, what are their gifts and passions. Once they have finished, they can continue to the Marketing island to survey each other and begin creating their business plan. Every week of this session, we will have a Hero’s Visit during our Quest time. This week we were honored to have Nina’s dad, Micheal, and his business partner Christian from MAC’s Food Truck.

Michael and Christian told the learners their hero’s journey of creating their business, shared their failures and struggles, and answered all the questions our learners had. After the interesting discussion, the learners were able to see the truck from the inside and to eat the great food Christian made for them. We want to take this opportunity to thank Michael for sharing his story and inspiring our learners.

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