We have now completed half of session 5! The learners had a whole week launching an inspiring discussion about the first female marathon runner, working on their chocolate making, and furthering their entrepreneurship quests.
E-ship has moved to the next island! Learners had a deep discussion about the importance of sunk cost, variable cost, fixed cost, and revenue. They heard a story about Sally and her picture frame company. The learners separated and figured out their business costs and plan to make a profit out of it.
Wednesday's focus shifted as we were fortunate to have Oren’s mom Yael come in and talk about what it is like to be a doctor. The Falcons were able to learn about all different types of doctors and what the journey of becoming one looks like. Yael brought mannequin babies for the Falcons to try their hand at diagnosing their “patients.” Thank you, Yael. The learners were engaged and interested in your Hero’s Journey.
For the writer’s workshop, the learners wrote two more memories this week, about a special day and a day in their favorite place. Next week the learners will start crafting memories describing pictures from their past, so please make sure to spend some time during the weekend to make sure they will have the photos by Monday morning.
Falcons took to their notepads, cameras, and kitchenware to continue their chocolate-making process. Learners were tasked to make a radio advertisement, commercial, or flyer for the advertising campaigns. At the same time, other groups worked on creating their actual chocolate in preparation for the final tasting.
In a new civilization course, we discussed aboriginal tribes in Australia. Falcons were asked which task would have been the most exciting for them as locals: Hunting for food, mastering the landscape, or having a large tribe to be part of.
