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Discovery: Session 6, Week 2

On Monday and Tuesday morning’s launches, we dive into the hero’s journey. On Monday, we discussed the 7th step: “Road and trials.” We brought up the three main monsters that we tend to face during our journey: The monster of resistance, victimhood, and distraction. We asked the learners what tools can help them overcome those monsters, and they came up with beautiful ideas. On Tuesday, we discussed the 8th step: “Final Showdown.” We watched this video about Gabriela Andersen, an Olympian who became dehydrated but was determined to finish her race. The learners had an interesting debate about whether she succeeded or failed in overcoming her final showdown.

Our growing curiosity Quest this week was all about helping Earth. The learners explored different problems that our planet is facing and created posters with information and pictures about addressing and solving those problems. On Thursday we watched the magnificent documentary “Our plane: Coastal seas.”

For art, we focused on Picasso and his art styles throughout his life. Some learners moved on to the second game board, and they had the option to walk to the art store and buy some unique materials for their projects.

The learners have been working hard on their woodworking projects. They will be able to design their cars once they’ve learned how to use the saw properly.

Many of the learners have finished their research papers for the writers’ workshop and have begun creating their haiku.

For PE, we are getting ready for the Aton Olympics that will take place in two weeks! The learners are practicing soccer, running, and for the first time this year, they enjoyed playing tug-a-war.

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