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Launch Pad: Session 1, Week 2

Welcome to the first session of AABC’s new launchpad! I am so excited to be the first to share with you all a week in the life of a Launchpadder, and I hope you are ready to hear all about it.

Since it’s one of the first weeks of the new school year, we put a lot of focus into building the tribe. This meant that we played a lot of team-building games together, which included getting-to-know-you games, board games, and Launchpad’s very first lip dub! For those of you who are unfamiliar with lip dubs, they are similar to music videos, except the studio gets to put its own creative spin on it. This year, we decided to base our lip dub on a Spongebob song, which involved a blowup Spongebob costume, a lot of laughter, and some ripped pants (you’ll see what I mean once you watch the video).

For Genre and Quest this week, we spent a lot of time working on our hero boards and essays. Both of these challenges required a deep dive into ourselves, where we looked at who we are and who we want to become in the future. It isn’t always easy to look inside ourselves, as we aren’t always prepared for what we see, but we were able to have the courage to do so, resulting in some very good essays and hero boards. 

This week, we also drafted our studio governing systems. We had a long discussion during which we decided what our vision and mission for the Launchpad studio would look like. We made promises to the studio and one another and wrote down the values that we all believed to be true. This took a lot of hard work, but it set the foundation for everything we want Launchpad to be this year, and we are all proud of the governing systems we’ve created. 

The final challenges we worked on this week were Servant Leadership challenges. As Launchpadders, we are now the oldest learners in the school, which means we serve as role models to all of the younger studios. Servant leadership allows us to fulfill our responsibilities and demonstrate leadership skills as we help those who need it. This week, we picked our servant leadership projects for the session and began to work on them. 

Overall, this was a very fun-filled, amazing first full week in the Launchpad studio, and I can’t wait to see what the rest of the year brings. Thanks for reading!

Written by a Launch Pad learner

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