Welcome to the third week of the first session’s Launchpad newsletter!!
This week was the start of an exciting adventure in the Launchpad studio as we began our Next Great Adventure searches! The Next Great Adventure (or NGA, for short) allows young people to explore and discover their passions, find their gifts and calling, and use them to change the world one day. This week, we spent a lot of time studying and finding industries that interest us, and we took a deep dive into those industries, exploring careers that may one day become our futures.
This was also the first week of Civilization and Physical Development (P.D.). In Civ, we researched ancient civilizations, such as Sumer, and had very interesting discussions about what our history can do for our future. We also started P.D. this week, and, along with our very own personal trainer, we exercised and created some SMART goals we plan to achieve over the course of our P.D. journey.
For Quest this week, we learned how to play many different types of card games and gathered together as a studio to play them all. Some of the games were a bit challenging to grasp at first, but we helped each other overcome our challenges, shared many laughs, and shared an experience I know I will remember for a long time.
This week in Genre, we started writing our NGA blogs. Over the past few days, we thought hard about what the NGA means to us and how it can impact the lives of those who have the opportunity to experience it. Then, we crafted our first blog post, written all about the NGA process, and in it, we tried to convince others to embark on their very own Next Great Adventure.
Overall, this was a very busy, exciting, fun-filled week in the Launchpad studio. Thanks for reading!!
Written by a Launch Pad learner