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Launch Pad: Session 2, Week 1

We are so excited to finally begin session two! We are looking forward to many things, like diving more into our NGA (Next Great Adventure) and continuing to learn about all the different civilizations worldwide. We are also starting this session’s genre, Historical speech, and last but not least, our quest is to Plan a trip where we will plan our trip to Guatemala! Very exciting. 

This week's civ challenges were mainly focused on ancient Greece. Wednesday's Quest challenge was about Plato and a few other Greek philosophers. Here is one great question that we have to debate: 

If you had come across something that you had a strong suspicion was True but knew that if you made it known to others, it would lead to an extreme punishment (exile, prison, execution, etc.), Would you share that Truth, or Would you keep it to yourself? Why? 

Moving on to genre, since this session's genre is historical speech, we spent the week researching many historical figures and then picking one that we especially admire. In the following weeks, we will create a speech they may have given, film it, and edit it. 

And now for the quest: In this session, all the learners in Launchpad get to plan their very own trip to Guatemala! This week, we focused on creating an itinerary and learning how to do this, and we learned about travel tips, advice, and cultural norms to look out for. Not yet, but soon, this session, we will start planning a guided tour in New York City for our exhibition!

Last but not least, there was the Halloween party that Ava worked so hard on!  She and a few other Falcons worked to set up a Halloween party for the rest of the school. Thursday was full of fun, and here is how the schedule went. At the beginning of the day, we got to vote for the best costume. We also had many fun activities, including pumpkin and witch hat painting, cookie decorating, slime making, and more. And then we went to the park, and all the houses played fun games together like kickball and capture the flag. Then, towards the end of the day, we had the potluck. All five of us in LaunchPad set up the food and served it to everyone else in the school. The Journey and Launchpad got together to watch a movie, Rush Hour. 

In closing, this week was great, balanced with fun and work. Everyone enjoyed the Halloween party and was incredibly excited about a quest. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I'll see you next week! 

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