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Launch Pad: Session 2, Week 7

Hasn't the time flown by? It’s already the last week of the session, and it's soon to be the Holiday break! This week has been so busy with exhibitions, a talent show,  the Holiday party, and, of course, the NYC tour. So, let's get a little more into all of it. 

For Quest, at the beginning of the week, we practiced going over our script, either memorizing it or just reading it more smoothly. Then, as you all remember, on Tuesday, we got to lead the tour to NYC. Sophie led the tour to the vessel, Shahar led the Highline tour, Genevieve (me) led the Chelsea market visit, and Ava did Little Island. You probably remember all the obstacles that came our way, but as a team, we worked to make the best of the situation and solve the problem.  

This week, we didn't have any civ or core skills; we all just focused on complaining badges such as PD, servant leader, stars and stepping stone interview, deep book, and genre and quest. 

On Thursday, we had the talent show led by Niko! In case you couldn't make it, here's a recap: We started with some great acts from the Sparks. We had some great dances, solving Rubix Xube, and even gymnastics! In Discovery, we saw singing, a couple of diabolo acts, and skits. Lastly, in Journey, we had a great piano player. After the talent show, we had a few graduation speeches from Ari, Chakra, Ella d, Ofri, Jack, and Olivia. 

Next, we had a great holiday party planned by the council, led by Shahar. It took place on Friday afternoon, and people rotated between different stations, such as Snowflake and ornament making, a candy cane hunt, and a holiday kahoot. Yesterday, the council also decorated the whole school with a small tree in the entrance, lights, and garlands. 

In closing, this session had so many exciting and new things to offer, and we can't wait to see what session three may bring us!

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