Welcome to the third week of the third session’s weekly newsletter!
Quest this week was centered around plants, and as it isn’t Acton without a hands-on project, we built our own hydroponic farming system! Here is a link to the stand we built: https://www.lettucegrow.com/. After a long time researching hydroponic farming, we could finally build the stand ourselves! We’ve ordered the seeds we want to grow, which should come in the next week or two. We also spent this week researching and finalizing the experiments we will share in this session's exhibition. We’ve all picked very interesting experiments, and can’t wait to share them during the exhibition!
In Genre this week, we spent more time learning about the biology hero we chose and began writing the first part of our biography: The Preparation. The Preparation includes an introduction, the early life of the hero, and if anything from their childhood impacted their life and successes later on (something usually does). The Preparation also talks about average, everyday life before the hero came along, which allows readers to see the change made in daily life and just how big of an impact that change made.
In P.D. (Physical Development) this week, we met with our new trainer, Jacob, on Monday to do some strength and cardio exercises. Along with Journey, we went to NVSA (Northern Valley Sports Academy) on Wednesday to play soccer, which is so much fun. I always look forward to playing soccer at NVSA, making Wednesday my favorite school day.
While most of the week was the same as most others, one thing was different. Instead of having Civ this week, we finished planning our trip to Guatemala! As you all know, Launchpad will be leaving for Guatemala City on January 26th, which is actually a lot closer than it seems. Planning a trip takes a lot of hard work and effort, but we’ve all managed to do it, and this week, we put the finishing touches on our plan.
Overall, this was a very exciting and fun week in the Launchpad studio, which was full of hands-on learning. Thanks for reading!