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Discovery: Session 3, Week 2

Hello Discovery Parents, 

For this week Discovery learners worked hard on many things. We had Civ, Quest, WW, and many more activities!

For WW we are doing Pitch A Pet. In this, we are working on pitching the pet we would like for the studio. We started with logos, which is explaining the facts about the animal we want to pitch. Learners chose three pets to potentially pitch. An easy pet, a reach pet, and a far out pet. For every single pet had to have at least one fact, at least one story, and why you want that animal to be part of the Discovery tribe.

For Civ we had a read aloud about the Revolutionary War.  We learned about the Boston Massacre and how some people don’t think it was a massacre because only five people died during it.  After the reading, each learner chose a hero of the American Revolution to do a research paper on. Some learners wrote about Benjamin Franklin and others chose people like Crispus Attucks. We also debated about John Adams and whether or not he was a traitor for defending the British soldiers from the Boston Massacre.

For quest learners who are continuing to learn about architecture.  We started making discoveries about our own Acton Academy of Bergen County. The learners got to work with the actual blueprints of the school and identify where different things are on the blueprints. We also started making a sketch and doing the blueprint which has all the exact measurements of how the Acton we design is  going to look like.  

Written by Discovery learner

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