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Discovery: Session 4, Week 3

This week for Writer’s Workshop, the learners started creating scripts for their podcasts! Before preparing their scripts, they listened to podcasts to prepare for their own! Some topics included scuba diving vs skydiving, nail polish vs sunglasses, and sneezing vs farting! Next week, Discovery will begin to record its podcasts. They will have a room exclusively to record and a special microphone for optimal quality!

During Quest this week, the learners explored games of skills by playing a real-life game of minefield! Like a maze, the Falcons had to use different skills to get through an obstacle but this time, they were blindfolded and only other team members could help them get through it. Some skills they further explored while playing were spatial, communication, and critical thinking skills. For their challenges, the learners started to create their handheld mazes. The learners create these out of craft materials like cardboard, straws, corks, and even popsicle sticks if they choose to.

For Special, the learners had a discussion on what makes a good plushie. The learners explored the different fragments of plushie making and how they each play a part in creating a good product. In addition, Discovery steadily moved on to explore more complex designs for their plushies! Many learners enjoyed creating Minecraft characters while others created their own prototypes and added extra characterizations.

Written by a Discovery learner

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