The learners started their week with lots of energy. They spent every minute completing their tasks and keeping track of their goals and accomplishments.
Genre challenges are getting more and more complex, challenging the learners writing skills. This session genre is all about friendship, and the Falcons are working hard to create their friendship strategy.
During Civilization, the learners researched the stars, the elements, the periodic table, the solar system, and the earth.
The learners signed their contract this week, setting their own studio rules for one another. Governments like don’t talk over another learner, don’t be distractive, are some of the topics in the contract. A learner can give a warning to a studio mate if he’s not following the contract, and if it continues, they can charge a Falcon-Buck from the learner.
The week we ended in a beautiful outdoor time with all the studios at the Memorial field near our school.