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Journey: Session 1, Week 5

This week, the Journey Falcons dived deep into Genre, Civ, and Quest challenges, completed their badge plans, and enjoyed a Starbucks drink together. 

Many of the studio discussions, much like last week, were led by a learner as opposed to a guide, discussing Socratic topics such as the efforts on abolishment of plastic waste, what It means to be an entrepreneur, An ethical dilemma on whether human good or evil is situational, and should Chess be considered a sport. These were interesting to lead and participate in, and they brought both analytical and moral thinking from the learners, as well as passion and drive to explore new ideas from the leaders. 

Civilization introduced many ideas into the 12:00 o'clock time slot, such as the origins of life on Earth and how we accept evolution. One of the questions the Falcons enjoyed discussing was: 

Imagine you believe in evolution and are running for governor in an American state with a large population of people who do not believe this theory. When asked if you believe in evolution, do you:

  • Question whether the theory has been proven, or

  • Declare that you do believe in evolution and will likely lose the election.


Genre challenges continued with the theme of friendship. This week, we focused on writing our friendship strategy, explaining what friends mean to each Journey learner and how they plan to improve their social relationships.

Quest challenges involved creating our badge plans for completing all of Journey's graduation milestones and creating Kahoots to share more about one another. Also, improving certain personal traits with a log of efforts was an activity carried over from last week.  

One fun experience Journey had this week was going to Starbucks to get drinks during free time, allowing us to take a nice walk, socialize, and commemorate the reason for such a treat. That reason being, as previously mentioned, a very successful creation of our badge plans!

Overall, this week was an exciting and enjoyable bridge between last week’s workload and next week’s end-of-session wrap-up (before the exhibition and compilation of badges on week 7.)

Written by a Journey learner

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