This week on Genre, we were challenged to start our myth. We started by making our Opening and introducing our character and their background. Then we moved on to our Conflict, where our hero had a challenge he had to overcome. Finally, we wrote the Encounters, where the hero fought the final battle.
In Trial Quest, our primary goal was research. We learned about logical fallacies and watched a couple of inspiring debates to spark our minds and help us understand what we’re doing. Finally, on Friday, we had our first rehearsal, where we practiced our opening statements with each other.
During Art Quest, we had to draw a Still Life. We made a background and then added some items to create a set. After taking pictures, we drew our collection with every detail we could. We got feedback from the rest of the Falcons.
The civ question for this week was: As happened in ancient Greece, many economists believe that increasing city size leads to more wealth and more sophisticated civilization. Do you believe this is true?
An interesting launch posed by one of the Falcons this week was a Growth Mindset launch. One of the questions we discussed was: Imagine participating in a soccer tournament you have practiced for weeks to win. Your team loses because you missed many goals. Do you give up on soccer and be upset you lost, practice even harder for the next tournament, or something else.
During Town Hall, the learners voted for Pottery as their special for the next session!
Overall, the week went great, and we are excited to see you next week!
Written by: Shahar Leshem