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Journey: Session 3, Week 4

The genre started on a great note. All the learners finished their Myth with a beautiful ending, and after answering some reflection questions, we got feedback. Everybody took their time to give and get a critique, and in the end, they competed for the best character and conflict.

On Trial Quest, all of the Falcons made a lot of progress. We listened to the other side’s opening statement and used what we heard to rebuttal and support arguments. We researched debates like whether social media is good or bad for young adults and The famous Monkey Scopes Trial.

Art Quest this week was an adventure. We were given a couple of sources to learn about different compositions and then used what we learned to draw 30-60 second landscapes. We also created our viewfinder to help us view our surroundings from a different perspective.

This week's civ question was: Who would be more pleased with modern America?

  • Socrates or

  • Jesus

After working hard to make it, Soraya presented her launch to the rest of the studio. She explained who Bethany Hamilton was and how she was her inspirational hero. The main question of the launch was: if you were in Bethany Hamilton’s shoes, would you:

  1. Go back and surf

  2. Give up on your dream because you are afraid

  3. Never go in the water again or

  4. Something else

Town Hall went great. The learners debated whether computers should be allowed in a circle. For the second half, we went over the list of options for Quests for sessions 5 and 6, and each learner voted for their favorite choice.

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