Wow, this week was eventful! We got to draft our flash-fiction outlines and finally compete against each other with our rockets; it was really fun to start seeing things come together after all our hard work so far!
As part of pre-writing for Genre this week, we focused on the writing process rather than the story. We started with the point of view and tense, understanding how each feels and interacts. This was very important because we discussed what point of view we would end up using the following day. During the discussion, we discussed the general plot to give an idea of what style would pack the most punch for our purposes. This was great because we also gave feedback! We practiced showing versus telling in our writing to wrap up the week. We wrote the first scene as if our character was just telling you how it went and then created an immersive piece of writing so we would avoid making such mistakes during our actual drafting! I’m excited to finally start our drafting next week!
Quest this week was exciting because learners finally presented their rockets and launched them. On Monday, they did their final preparation and wrote their presentation scripts. On Tuesday, they shared their scripts and competed against each other to see who could get the highest! Once every falcon had launched their rockets, they started working on creating batteries. Creating different types of batteries was challenging but fun, as they had to make them for the cheapest amount they could!
During Civ, we talked about our founders, mainly focusing on Our founder's inability to abolish slavery and Washington's accomplishments and failures. Everyone had an engaging discussion about the question below:
In the summer of 2017, local governments across America voted to remove Confederate statues from their public spaces. Since then, others have called for removing national monuments dedicated to the Founders who held slaves. Do you think the Jefferson Monument, for example, should come down? Why or why not?
It is my hope everyone has a very restful weekend because there is much more to be done in this session!
Written by a Journey learner