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Journey: Session 5, Week 4

It’s May, which means Warm Weather Arrives for AABC!

We started Quest by researching ETFs, Mutual Funds, and more advanced terms related to stock investing. We got to see which stocks weren’t the best investment, and The Falcons sold their stocks on our website simulator.

Tuesday, The Falcons decided whether or not they would go o college, researched different colleges, and documented the Costs of The tuition, Books, Housing, and Meal plan. This challenge was a significant step toward reality and helped us better picture the future.

On Wednesday, Falcons determined whether or not to spend money on Insurance. The Falcons researched the different categories of Insurance to determine which was most critical to buy. On Friday, we had a challenge all about Haggle Teqnuiqes and Ways to Negotiate Prices.

The genre had a great start when we got to film our debates and Give our opponent feedback on the craft and speech of their Statements. On Tuesday and Thursday, we had two “Mock Debates,” where groups of 4 shared debates and gave feedback to help revise. Our challenge on Wednesday was strengthening our points and statements by changing our script and paying particular attention to logical fallacies.

During Civ this week, the Falcons learned about the Difference between a Progressive and a Liberal. The most interesting question, in my opinion, was: A core Progressive belief is that a man can build a more perfect (and perhaps a truly perfect) society on Earth with enough central control by the most intelligent people. Do you believe this?

We had a great field trip on Thursday to see how an actual warehouse operates. If we went to AFD, Central Furniture, and after eating donuts, we had a detailed tour explaining all the different functions and tasks the warehouse workers do daily. The Falcons got the chance to operate a forklift, sort chairs, and even play hide-and-seek :) Check the weekly pictures to see how much fun we had.

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