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Journey: Session 6, Week 1

Hello, and welcome to the first newsletter of the last session! In this session, we have picked an interesting topic to end the year: Embracing Life and Facing Death.

In this session’s Genre, we will reflect on both life and death and do that through poetry. We started this week by creating our own poem journals in which we would copy famous poems. We got more familiar with poetry by reading poems on life and death, and we researched poets such as Robert Herrick. We also answered questions on our views of life and death and our goals and fears of both life and death. At the end of the session, we will return to our answers to see if they have changed.

Our Quest this session is all about embracing life and facing death. For the embracing life side of this Quest, each person in Journey picked two challenges they would like to do, such as sleeping underneath the stars or eating with chopsticks for a whole day. These challenges will be done over the course of this session and will help us create experiences and enjoy and embrace life. This week we also created and designed our own family trees and wrote our eulogies (Remembrance speeches given at a person’s funeral) and epitaphs (The inscriptions written on tombstones) on what we hope to be remembered.

In Civ this week, we discussed the aftermath of WWI and whether or not it left a positive or negative impact. We also talked about Capitalism and Socialism and which type we believe does the greater good.

We also had a new learner join us for the last three days of this week. She came to explore Acton and our method of teaching and learning. She was able to participate in Genre, Quest, and Civ, as well as interact with the other learners in the studio.

Overall, this was a very fun and exciting first week back in the Journey studio of Acton Academy of Bergen County. Thank you for reading!

Written by Journey learner

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