Greetings, Sparks Studio parents! This week we welcome two new learners - Gon and Omer.
We’ve celebrated Ella’s special day of arrival on earth and we talked about her timeline of life.
The learners have been continuing their fractions learning - the younger learners have been looking up to the older learners in this area - they have been learning and practicing their fraction lessons and also learning to do the simple addition of fractions. Almost all learners have been practicing this concept using the varied materials available (among them the golden bead and the Stamp game).
In addition to Math, the learners have been working on their language skills.
Each learner sets its own future goals during the journey meeting. When the learners came in this week, it was wonderful seeing they were all following through which reminds me of Dr. Montessori’s quotes, “My vision of the future is no longer of people taking exams and proceeding from secondary school to University but of passing from one stage of independence to a higher, by means of their own activity and effort of will.”
The week ended in indoor free time, when the learners played together in all kinds of board games and unstructured play with the magnatiles and building blocks.