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Sparks: Session 3, Week 6

We celebrated Naomi’s six-and-a-half years of her life on planet earth. Half a year, learned by the learners, entails six months. What made it even more special for Naomi was that her brother Eitan could be there for it even though it was a super busy day for him with the upcoming exhibition!

Many of you had questions regarding the work plans. So, here is an example of what the planner looks like. The learners are given two choices to work through the day (a or b), And the third space is for making a note of the work if the learners make a different choice.

After learning the timer’s digital versions, which helps the young humans keep track of the time to utilize our Montessori work period effectively, the learners have started to understand the clock’s parts and reading time by the hour and half an hour. We have also started learning about the different land and water forms. Ask your young human what they have been doing.

The learners continued to enjoy the snow this entire week! We had so many more moments of stories of love and style!

We finished this session when the learners could take home all the badges they earned thus far! We will be continuing to replenish the badges every session.

We hope that you get a chance to enjoy this break to celebrate the young humans and all the hard work they have been doing by connecting with them on your vacation or staycation! See you on the other side of the break!

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