Siliane returned to the studio, and we are excited to have her back!
Our first morning launch of the week was about a critical muscle: our brain. The learners discussed the brain is a muscle that can grow when we make mistakes! We used Class Dojo videos for this launch and planned to continue watching them throughout this session.
Wednesday was Wacky Wild Wednesday, and the learners could play games as a tribe, squads, or mini groups. This week they chose mini-groups; the fun they decided on was “telephone” (one of the studio favorites).
On Thursdays this session, the learners will focus on the different states of matter. The first state of matter they focused on was solid. The learners pretended to be other solids, such as a table and a rock, and went deep into the characteristics that make a matter solid.
During Sparks core, the Falcons set SMART goals! They can choose between reading, writing, and math options. They also set time for each goal and use the timer to track them. If the learners follow their plan, they earn a Free Friday. Ask your Falcon what their favorite thing to do during core is!
In addition to SMART goals, the learner is trying to defeat a new monster, the mighty ghost, by working hard and staying focused.
Throughout the session, the learners will focus on different bodies of water. This week we’ve discussed what a pond is. The learners went into the woods for nature observations.
We are back at Memorial field as an option doing outdoor free time! The learners have missed the park and are excited to go back.