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Sparks: Session 6, Week 6

Dear Sparks Families,

As we bid farewell to another remarkable school year, we reflect on the memories we've created together and the incredible journey we've embarked upon. The last week was an emotional rollercoaster, filled with both excitement and tears.

We kicked off the week with a captivating read-aloud session on Monday. The enchanting story of "Sky Color" by Peter H. Reynolds inspired us to think outside the box and embrace our creativity.

Wednesday brought a wave of nostalgia as we unearthed our time capsules. Emotions ran high as we discussed the feelings evoked by revisiting our past. Seeing our cherished pictures and reflecting on how far we've come filled our hearts with gratitude and pride.

On Thursday, the Sparks showed their true strength and determination. With unwavering focus and teamwork, they conquered our class monster, Buddy the Bigfoot! This victory symbolized their triumph over distraction, resistance, and victimhood. They proved that together, they are an unstoppable force.

Finally, the last day of school arrived, and it was a day to remember. We relished in the moments shared throughout the year with a heartwarming slideshow of memories. Laughter and joy filled the air as we celebrated with a pinata party. To cap it all off, Discovery and Journey engaged in epic water balloon fights and waterplay.

As we close this chapter, let's remember the lessons learned, the friendships forged, and the dreams that ignited. The Sparks Tribe has truly shone brightly this year.

Wishing you all a restful summer filled with adventure and new beginnings!


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