The learners continue forward in their learning journey. Some of them came back yearning for knowledge, reading more, and some learners were excited to just be with their friends.
For the Quest the learners have started learning about Botany and Gardening. This week we explored how there are different kinds of soil and we made mud pies. They understood the different ingredients in the (mud) pie makes all kinds of pies look and taste different! We also learned about the plants’ need and what nutritious them.
During two rainy days this week, we had indoor free time with board games and puzzles.
With the beginning of this session, the Discovery learners came to read to the Sparks learners twice this week. SO many exciting things happen during that time, not just reading.
We have some newer options for the badges - the top line are the existing badges, and the remainder are the newer badges.
Culture includes: Geography/History, Geography, History, Botany/Zoology, Botany & Zoology.
Language includes - Reading, Handwriting, Language/Grammar and Grammar.
But if the learners do it individually, they have the opportunity to earn them individually or collectively, based on their work plans. Just the same as before, all the work needs to be done on all 5 days of the week to earn a badge.
On Friday, we visited the Memorial field for the first time and the learners had a lot of fun!!
Ramadan Mubaarak to the families celebrating the holy month of fasting from dawn to dusk.