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Sparks: Session 6, Week 3

Congratulations to our Journey and Discover learners for winning First Place in the Acton Olympics and bringing home the championship trophy! What an amazing week!

This week’s focus was on celebration and reflection. On Monday the Sparks began their morning with a discussion on reflection. The learners discussed how different they feel now and ways they think they have changed since the beginning of the year. They continued their day with Neighborhood Quest and chose to come together as a tribe and combined the points they received during their quest instead of keeping their points individually.

On “This Or That” Tuesday the learners voted on a series of questions in a knock-out style game. For art, they had to create a villain to the superhero they created last week. The learners were very creative with their villains and even gave them names.

The Sparks learners kicked off “Kind Word” Wednesday discussing the word “deliberate” and ways they can be more deliberate. We had our field trip to the Greenburgh Nature Center where we learned about composting and fungi. The learners even got to see a snake, toad, hissing cockroaches, chickens, goats, and eagles.

For our Hero’s Journey Thursday, the learners discussed promises and the promises they kept this year. During our writer’s workshop, we discussed how to transition a story from the beginning to the end. After the discussion, we continued writing our comic books including a transition and our newly created villains into the plot. The learners discussed a few of the monsters and villains they fought throughout the year.

Fitness Friday began as usual with partnered exercises and timed workouts. Sparks enjoyed their Friday afternoon with a quest based around teamwork and discussed what betrayal looks like.

Have a great weekend and see you all next week!

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