We opened the week with mindset Monday, where the Falcons discussed the different ways to show love
During the week, the learners have continued their “this or that” competition. This week the topic was about making difficult decisions. Emma is in the first place, with Kalina close in second.
For our word Wednesday we’ve talked about “renowned.” The learners had great conversations about what they believe they are well known for, giving examples of different people who were renowned leaders, givers, and heroes.
The learners have continued to excavate their favorite tools throughout this school year. This week we focused on the magnifying glass, and they spoke about the different traits that began small that they needed a magnifying glass to see at first, and now it has grown.
For the Friday launch, the learners have been challenging their last score for fitness Friday. One of the learners took the challenge to do 100 jumping jacks and accomplished it! The learners have decided to practive how to overcome their losses: they challenged themselves to play a board game they lost.
The learners are getting ready for their exhibition, working on their new art project together as a tribe to create a banner. We can’t wait for you to see it!
This week for the battle of the Squads the learners had water play. They agreed that their challenge would be to get soaked and have fun! Check the weekly photos to see how they did.