Our Acton school year is quickly coming to an end. We still had an eventful week packed full of intrigue and learning!
Our Mindset Monday began with a morning launch about “Resilience.” Sparks discussed times when their resilience was tested. For Art, they drew the backdrops for their Superhero story.
On Wednesday, the learners gave their guide feedback after thoughtful contemplation. Sparks shared their feedback in front of the studio, telling their guides where they could improve. The Falcons decided to take advantage of the weather on Wednesday and went to the park, and they were challenged with creating their own games and challenges.
Our Hero’s Journey Thursday began with an excavation of a new “tool”: the telescope! The learners took their imaginative telescopes to look into the next school year and spoke about where and how they see their future selves. In the afternoon, they took extra time to finalize any projects that needed completion and prepped their works for their exhibition.
Friday morning signaled the start of our Fitness Friday! Sparks worked hard because it is our second to last Fitness Friday. For our Writer’s Workshop on Friday afternoon, the learners worked on their exhibitions and put the final touches on their work. Next week is our last week of the 2021-2022 school year, it will be bitter-sweet, but we will see you all there.