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Discovery: Session 1, Week 6

A quote by Muhammad Ali that perfectly describes this week is, “Don’t count the days, make the days count.” Discovery embarked on a fun-filled “Spirit Week” while they prepared to finish their first session of the year!

We started the week with a launch led by one of our Journey learners highlighting the importance of watching the content available on the mathematics platforms before going to ask a learner for help. The learners addressed their main concerns and opinions and were presented with a thorough explanation of the “help steps” that they can take so they can figure out how to use the platforms optimally!

For Art, the learners were challenged to create a piece of art that represented a mood or a feeling. During their opening launch, the learners were asked, “What are your personal needs in order to “follow your art”? Is it time, space, or experiences?”

This week in Writer’s Workshop, the learners worked hard putting their final touches to their Hero’s boards and even presenting their Hero’s speeches!

During CIV, the learners emerged into Christopher Columbus’ Expedition to the New World. They took on a intense debate about what they would do if they were going through the challenges that he faced.

For Quest, the exhibition leaders presented their exhibition itinerary to the learners and received feedback. We will have our first exhibition next week, we cannot wait to share this unique experience with you all!

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