On our final week for Session 2, Discovery had an amazing Exhibiton and talent show! The learners who participated had so much fun practicing and getting to the final touches for the big show. At the beginning of the Session, Discovery set SMART Goals to help them prepare and do excellent work for their performances. Sometimes a few changes had to be made, but overall the studio worked together to meet everyone’s goals!
In addition, next Session Discovery gets to go to a trampoline park because every learner shared 30 kind things they did to someone or someone did to them. Discovery made it 2 days before the session ended!
Today, the learners practiced doing 360 degree feedback for their squads instead of every single learner. The learners were thrilled and even worked on adding feedback with a growth mindset. This includes giving “cold” or “warm” feedback and detailed responses to help the tribe know what they can work on for next time.
During Quest, Discovery played the final jeopardy game! The game included three big prizes which included: Five Falcon bucks for 3rd place, ten Falcon bucks for 2nd place, and for the biggest price, fifteen Falcon bucks for 1st place! The questions were based on everything that we learned during Quest, including: American History and facts about the United States. This information is also used for the Civics Test, which you take in real life if you were to apply for a citizenship.
Happy Holidays!
Written by: Discovery learner